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Jakarta Globe - Increase your professional profile

  • Publish Date: Posted 超过 13 年之前

Following a successful test launch of the Jakarta Globe “Your’re Hired!” career supplement it has now  been  established as a regular monthly feature. Monroe Consulting Group is pleased to annouce its support by contributing regular monthly articles that will provide professional recruitment advice.

This months topic concentrated to building a professional profile to ensure you are noticed by your current and potential employers. 

Increase your professional profile

Increasing your professional profile simply means making yourself more visible to your current and potential employers. Although there is currently an excess of mid to senior level jobs in Indonesia, it is still important to make yourself stand out and maximise your market worth. 

Here are some tips for building a highly visible Professional Profile

LinkedIn Profile: Indonesia was initially slow to adopting LinkedIn but recent figures suggest this is changing. In a survey conducted in July, Indonesia only had 600,000 LinkedIn profiles, but its 34.6% was second only to Brazil. Many companies will use LinkedIn as one of the first places to start looking for expertise which makes it a critical tool for any professional. Ensure your profile is detailed and complete. Ask trusted peers to make recommendations and invest time to build professional connections.

Create a Blog: There are currently more than 5 million active Blogs within Indonesia. Creating a professional Blog will give you a platform to discuss relevant industry topics, while showcasing your professional beliefs, skills and knowledge. 

Look for speaking or writing opportunities: Speaking or writing opportunities demonstrate your knowledge, skills and expertise, which can lead others to see you as an expert. Professional industry publications are always interested in accepting content from people in the industries they serve. Be pro-active about offering your services.

Participate in Professional Groups & Associations: Joining a professional group or association will help you increase your visibility amongst your industry peers. These groups can help ensure you develop a deeper awareness of your industry beyond your current employer. Once you have joined a group, be sure to lobby for a good position within the network, be pro-active and contribute to its development.

Twitter: Indonesia’s  9 million accounts, represent more than 22% of worldwide twitter membership. The micro-blogging tool can be a very powerful way to direct attention to your work.

Professionals who are highly visible in their industries are valued employees and as such attract above rate compensation packages. Remember you can have the best product in the world but if you don’t tell anybody about it nobody will ever buy it. Taking the time to build and manage your profile may be the best professional decision you ever made.