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What is successful recruitment?

  • Publish Date: Posted 超过 11 年之前

The recruitment industry is designed to make 95% of the candidates we work with unhappy. While we wish we could place every person who submitted a CV in to a new job, the reality is we will only be able to place a small percentage. This is why you hear so many candidates complain about their experiences when searching for a new job. 

While many in recruitment believe success comes from “filling a job”, I believe it comes from the “Recruitment Experience”. This is a term I’m sure my team is tired of hearing me repeat. I am a big believer that if the person you engage with walks away from the recruitment process believing they were treated professionally, they were never mislead, the information provided to them was accurate, promises kept and they felt they could trust you, then you have been successful. 

Unfortunately even the team at Monroe doesn’t achieve 100% success, but I can tell you we never stop trying. The emphasis is placed on service and to ensure our people push themselves to provide a positive recruitment experience; we have a number of checks and balances in place. 

It all starts with the training we provide. Every new starter will go through an intense training period of 2 months and continue to receive a minimum of 1 hours training every week, for the rest of their employment with Monroe. To ensure our teams practice the skills we teach, a weekly Quality Assurance check is completed on every consultant, every week of the year. 

Finally we seek feedback from candidates we engage with. This helps is understand our strengths and weaknesses, as well as ensuring our standards aren’t dropping. Our last quarter’s results were promising, but certainly leave room for improvement. 

The most important score for me is that 100% of all candidate said they would use our service again. In fact this 100% score has been achieved consistently for the past 2 years. I am proud of this score as it means that although we may not be able to place all of the candidates we work with in to new jobs, they are at least leaving the process feeling positive about their experience, and happy to trust us again in the future. To me, this is SUCCESS!