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Executive recruitment in manufacturing technology industry in Philippines highlighted at MTW Expo

  • Publish Date: Posted 大约 8 年之前

A major manufacturing technology expo in Manila has again showcased the rise of the sector in the Philippines’ expanding economy, as well as put into sharp focus the need for new or expanding companies to employ the best possible executives or technical professionals to help drive their businesses forward.

The 23rd edition of Manufacturing Technology World (MTW) showcased the latest and most innovative machinery and technologies that improved the production line, including automotive parts, industrial machinery, printing, plastics, packaging, enterprise and logistics solutions.

King Santos, a senior executive recruitment consultant with Monroe Consulting Group Philippines, said the industry-leading event held at the SMX Convention Center in Manila on August 18 – 19, 2016, provided an unparalleled opportunity to meet with senior industry figures and human resources professionals from around the world.

He said it was no secret that increasing numbers of industrial equipment and machinery manufacturers were either eyeing the Philippines or in the process of moving here. “And many already have, said King, who specializes in recruitment in the industrial sector. “Some of these foreign investors are from the United States, Europe, including Britain, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as Asia, including Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.”

He said Monroe Consulting Group had been operating in the Philippines for a decade and was the trusted recruitment partner to a number of not only national companies but also established multinational companies in the manufacturing sector.

“There are a number of positives about recruiting in the Philippines; chief among them being comparatively high education levels and an English-language speaking workforce,” King said.

“On the downside, the growth of the economy and middle-class consumers and the need for companies to not only attract the very best executive-level talent but to retain it due to competition from rival businesses, has seen rapid increases in salaries and the need for more comprehensive salary packages and overall human resources strategies.”

Recruitment consultant Rachelle Lacanlale, also with Monroe Philippine’s Industrial Division that specializes in manufacturing technology, said Monroe not only applied a recruitment process that quickly identified prospective new executives, but also had a rigorous system that helped manage the salary expectations of prospective executives or technical professionals.

“Salary is an important consideration for both parties, but it should not be the only consideration,” Rachelle said. “Monroe research has shown time and time again, that companies must consider the wider salary package on offer, among many other factors. It’s also vital that both parties, the company and the individual, must ensure that they are a right fit for a specific role or the wider company culture.”

Rachelle said that given Monroe’s success in recruitment for existing national and multinational companies, any new company considering a start-up operation in the Philippines should consider a reliable and proven recruitment company such as Monroe.