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Toys, Smiles and Healing

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 11 years ago

Monroe Consulting Group Indonesia recently distributed a number of toys the Company had been collecting since the beginning of the year to seriously or terminally ill children undergoing treatment at the Indonesian-government run Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Central Jakarta.

In association with Yayasan Mitra Anak Indonesia (Main), a non-profit organisation that provides free care and comfort for poverty-stricken children, Monroe staff spent a day handing out a number of toys and engaging in other activities in attempts to brighten the lives of a number of children confronting the biggest battles of their lives.

The Monroe team was welcomed by Doctor Mirari Judio, one of the founders of Main, which translates as “Play,” and her assistant, Ika, who kindly gave up their time to brief us on the history of their incredible organization and to meet just some of the brave children and their families who have been touched by Main’s compassion over the years.

During our visit, Monroe had the pleasure of meeting 40 children who are fighting a number severe diseases, including cancer, HIV/Aids and degenerative heart disease, as well as poverty-related conditions such as malnutrition and traumatic injuries sustained from sexual abuse.

The opportunity to meet these children was an emotional and touching experience for the Monroe team and was best encapsulated by Dr Mirari: “The little children are happy for your visit and are thinking that you are their angels right now, but the truth is that afterwards you may find that it is actually the children who helped heal you."

Monroe Consulting Group, who earlier this year provided Main with an initial financial commitment of Rp 100 million ($8,841) as part of its corporation social responsibility programme, would like to extend our appreciation to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and all of those involved in Main, and our heart-felt sympathies to the families, but most importantly, the patients who are undergoing ordeals that no child should have to endure. We wish them all a speedy recovery.