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8 tips for a successful video interview

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago

​Now more than ever, employers are being more selective and demanding in their recruitment processes. Skillsets and experiences need to be spot on to make up for the fact that interviews are not being conducted in person. Being properly prepared for video interviewing is crucial in order to get a new role in this climate. Here are some tips on how to perfect the world of video interviewing:

Tip #1: Preparation is Key

Do a test run, check to make sure the software works and that you know how to use it properly. It is also important to verify that you have strong internet connection, that your device is fully charged, and that it has a working microphone. It is important to be on time to your video interviews and if possible, a little early. Your interviewer should have set out a time frame beforehand, so make sure you set enough time aside to complete the interview. 

Tip #2: Look the part

For your video interview, dress appropriately in corporate attire – just like you would for an in-person interview. It is a good idea to wear professional bottoms although it is likely that the interviewer will only see shoulders and above. It is also essential to position the camera correctly. Make sure that you are centered in the frame. Find a suitable place to sit, where your background will appear as professional as possible. Bear your posture in mind, as your body language will be noted by the interviewers, so try not to slouch. While listening smile and nod to assure the interviewer that you are attentive.  While speaking, maintain eye contact with the interviewer by looking directly into the camera. Coming across enthusiastic and engaged can be difficult without being face-to-face, so remember the small things like looking the part.

Tip #3: Don’t get distracted

Make sure all other devices that you aren’t using for the interview are turned off. If you live with others, let them know not to interrupt you and to keep the noise down. Close all other tabs on your device to ensure a distraction free environment.

Tip #4: Know your stuff

Research the company as much as possible in advance. Some employers out-right ask candidates questions about the company to test their prior knowledge and research. Even if the interviewer doesn’t ask you those questions, you will stand out if you demonstrate your knowledge about the company through your answers. Understand completely what the position entails and how your experiences have qualified you for that role. Make sure you are able to explain all of your past job experiences clearly. It is helpful to have a hard copy of your resume in front of you in order to recall all of your achievements that the interviewer may ask you about. 

Tip #5: Be you!

Be proficient and practiced but let your personality shine through! As the saying goes, no one does you, quite like you. So, make sure to be yourself, and give the interviewer a real insight into what kind of colleague you will be and what you can bring to the team, both professionally and personally. Not only is the interviewer trying to gauge if you are qualified for the job, but also gauging if you will fit into the company’s culture. Don’t be afraid to ask the employer some question about themselves as well, you might have something in common. 

Tip #6: Things Happen

With technology, things can always go wrong. Be prepared for technical difficulties by asking the interviewer for a phone number to reach them at if your audio or signal stops working. If noise or someone interrupts the interview, make sure to apologige for the inconvenience. If an emergency pops up beforehand, make sure to let the employer know as soon as possible. Try not to cancel last minute. 

Tip #7: The end 

At the end of the interview, ask any question you may still have about the company or job. It is a nice idea to prepare questions beforehand to ask at the end to display your curiosity about the company. It is also a good idea to ask the interviewer if they have any more questions or concerns about your qualifications. Before signing off, thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. 

Tip #8: Follow up

After your interview, email your consultant to ask them to pass on your gratitude and get feedback, give them a call to run through the interview and the next steps. Following up can help you build a stronger connection with your recruitment consultant and also your future employer and may even influence their decisions. 

By following these tips, you should be prepared for the world of video interviewing. For expert advice on discovering and preparing for the next step in your career, you can contact us here:Monroe Consulting Group