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Top tips for success when working with a Recruiter

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago

Recruiters can make a huge difference when it comes to finding your new job. In addition to providing insight on your marketing materials, recruiters can provide coaching on what works and doesn't during interviews for a specific client - all things that can be extremely useful during a job search.

In some cases, recruiters may contact you themselves if they feel you would be a good fit for their job openings and sometimes, you may reach out to them yourself. Regardless of how you end up working with a recruiter, the following tips will help you to foster a positive relationship and make the most of your partnership.

  • Keep your resume up to date

In order for recruiters to match you with the right positions, you need a current resume. Make sure you include any relevant work and education history on your resume, including any recent courses you have taken and any volunteer work you may have done. However, if you're a newbie in the workforce, a recruiter will likely give you some tips on how to tweak your resume to show off your true potential.

  • Establish a clear career goal

You should know what type of position or dream job you are seeking before you start job hunting or visiting job boards. By doing so, you'll be able to ensure that potential matches have the skill set and responsibilities you're comfortable with.

It is important not to pigeonhole yourself by asking a recruiter to find "anything." Job seekers should remain open-minded, but also provide a specific list of desired job titles and types of work so everyone is clear about your end goal.

  • Don’t hold back

Honesty is key when working with recruiters!

Recruiters will need a lot of information about your job history, so don't be shy about sharing it. Never be afraid to share pertinent information with them that you may think you need to keep private. As an example, if you have held several positions in a short period of time or have had gaps in employment, it may be helpful if you inform the recruiter as to the reasons for your employment history. This will enable them to present you in the best possible light to potential employers.

  • Discuss your dislikes

Finding work you enjoy and roles you feel comfortable in is the key to a successful job search. Speaking about what you don't want to do is just as important as talking about what you do. It will save you and the recruiter time and energy if you are upfront about what you do not want. Tell recruiters about roles that aren't the right fit for you. Regardless of if you get an interview or not, it's always better to be honest than to mislead them.

  • Talk about salaries, benefits, and compensation packages

Talking about money with a recruiter is essential in your job search! It is expected that recruiters will ask you about your salary requirements and other benefits that you would need to make a move. If the recruiter does not know what your salary expectations are, they will be less likely to negotiate for you because they are missing key information on what you are looking for.

Also, remember to ask for more details regarding benefits packages, which could include vacation time, sick days, life insurance coverage, etc. It is imperative that you discuss this with your Recruiter in advance, as they can help you determine whether what you are seeking matches the benefits package offered by their client and your prospective employer.

  • Keep your promises

If you have agreed to attend an interview or meeting scheduled by a recruiter, make sure you follow through. You are more likely to be recommended when recruiters know you are reliable. In the event that you will not be able to attend due to an illness or other emergency, call in advance to try to reschedule. Failure to do so reflects poorly not only on you, but also on the recruiter.

  • Be confident in recruiters' abilities

Recruiters are well qualified and knowledgeable in their markets. Moreover, they have a relationship with the client and have a deep understanding of their needs and whether your needs align, making them an effective middleman. Ahead of getting hired, they can give you tips and pointers on how to impress the employer. Give them the trust that they will guide you in the right direction, after all, they know what they're doing.

  • Keep up a positive relationship even after you land a job

Recruiters can sometimes become lifelong career advocates. It is important to stay in touch with your recruiter, you never know when you might be looking for a new opportunity.

Consider leaving a positive review for them online. In addition to giving recruiters a positive impression of you, your gratitude will encourage them to work with you again in the future if you require their services. They might even approach you with attractive employment offers in the future, and help you advance in your career.