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Are You Second Guessing Your New Career Move  Here’s What To Do!
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​Are you second-guessing your new career move? Here’s what to do!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago

It is exciting to change jobs, but it is also risky. Even if you ask a lot of questions before accepting the job offer, there will always be unexpected aspects, not to mention an uncomfortable learning curve. You will never truly understand what a working environment is like until you have experienced it first-hand.

Getting used to a new place, new people, and new management style may take some time, but are you unhappy with your new position or just being pushed outside your comfort zone? This is like learning to swim in the deep end of a pool - it may be a little scary at first, but the more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become. Nevertheless, if you're feeling unhappy at your new job, there are some steps you can take.

  •  Consider how you approached your job search

Take a moment to review how you approached your job search. Have you done your homework or have you just jumped into the fray thinking the grass was greener? Have you asked all the difficult questions during the interview process to ensure it is the right fit? Most of the time, candidates who are immediately unhappy with their new jobs didn't do enough research beforehand. But sometimes, we leave a place that is not a good fit for us, enter a new position believing it will be better, only to find that it is worse. These things happen, it's life! It’s like the saying “Jumping from the frying pan into the fire”—you’re trying to escape a difficult situation, but you end up in an even worse one.

Taking the time to do your research beforehand is important for avoiding this kind of mistake. In spite of the fact that it's too late to change the past, you can think about what you can do differently in the future and take a look at our next steps, to see if there is anything you can do in order to improve your current situation.

  • Analyse the root cause of the problem

The second thing you need to do is figure out why you are unhappy in the first place. The feeling of uncertainty or even anxiety that comes with starting a new job is normal, but when you gain confidence in your role, these feelings typically go away. However, it is also possible that the position was not what you expected or what you were promised by the hiring manager. Make sure to identify everything you like and dislike. But if all else fails, you can always make a list of the pros and cons of quitting and staying! That way you can decide if it's worth the hassle of finding a new job or not.

  • Look for ways to improve things

Once you have identified why you are unhappy, you can develop a plan of action. You should discuss any disagreements with your boss directly if you don't get along. For example, if your boss is micromanaging you, you can try to ask for more autonomy and explain how you can be more productive if they give you more space to work.

If the problem is the work itself, you could suggest additions to the projects or suggestions for other tasks you might like to take on. Try to imagine how your job could be adapted in a way that is more aligned with your skillset. When you meet with your manager, you may find that they are more flexible and open to suggestions than you had imagined. Quitting abruptly without giving your boss an opportunity to correct the situation is the last thing you want to do. Sometimes, a minor issue can be improved once it's known.

  •  Keep the benefits in mind

Almost all jobs have unappealing aspects, whether it's the commute or the tedious responsibilities. Consider, however, what you would be able to gain from the position if you were to remain with the organisation. It’s like eating your vegetables: although they may not taste great, they’re good for you and will help you grow. With a job, the unappealing aspects can help you grow as well and may even lead to better opportunities. In the case of your new job being good for your career, staying on in the role would be a wise decision, even if the work is not enjoyable. Sometimes, you have to suck it up and think about the future or your long-term goal. Especially in today's job market - it's hard enough to find a job. As Winston Churchill once said: “If you are going through hell, keep going''.

  • Know the risks of leaving

Any career change should be weighed against the risks. If you leave a job you hate, it could also negatively affect your resume. It is understandable that a candidate may take a position only to find out later that it wasn't a good fit for them, but if there is a pattern of frequent job changes, a candidate's reliability may remain in doubt. Employers are looking for stability and longevity in their employees. If there is a red flag that indicates frequent job changes, they may be less likely to hire someone due to the perception that they may not stay with the job for a long period of time or quit as soon as things get hard.

It is important to remember that no job is perfect. Nevertheless, you deserve to be happy. The average person spends one-third of their lives at work. Don't waste your time if you know that leaving your new job is the right decision for you. We can help you find your next position and help you take steps to ensure the work culture and the team will suit your work style and personality. Don't hesitate to contact us!