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Simple Habits That All Successful Team Leaders Should Acquire
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Simple habits that all successful team leaders should acquire

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 2 years ago

It is undeniable that habits form an integral part of every human being. Ultimately, they dictate how we behave, think, act, and conduct ourselves in daily life. Every move we make is guided by habits, a subconscious powerhouse. We are mostly unaware of these habits unless we make a concerted effort to review, understand, and alter them.

It is up to you to lead your team to success. As a leader, you set the tone for your employees, good or bad. Lead your team to greatness by implementing the following habits in your day-to-day life.

  • Embracing change

There has been a transition among talent leaders from managing in-person to fully remote to hybrid teams over the last few years. In order to be successful, you must be able to adapt to change, big or small. Successful leaders see change not as an obstacle, but as a chance to explore new ideas and take advantage of new opportunities. With the right mindset, leaders can not only navigate these changes but can also create a workplace environment that thrives on creativity and innovation.

  • Keeping an open mind

It may seem ideal to have a harmonious workplace, but the healthiest companies allow their employees to speak up without feeling scared or uncomfortable. Rather than stifling dissent, successful talent leaders welcome different viewpoints. You can spur innovation and catch and fix potential issues before they become large problems. Invite your employees to share their opinions openly and often without fear of punishment or embarrassment.

  • Being decisive

There are always tough decisions to be made by business owners. That's a fact we can't ignore. But being decisive and timely is key to being an effective leader. Taking too long to make a decision costs time, resources, and productivity. 

There is a difference, however, between being decisive and being rash. Consider your options carefully before making a decision. Make sure you focus your attention on the issue at hand, conduct thorough research, and select the best option for your situation.

  • Taking things into consideration

Praising in public and correcting privately is always a good idea when giving feedback. Being a considerate leader is the key to success. You want your employees to trust you fully and not be put into awkward or uncomfortable situations. At the same time, you want them to feel recognised for their workplace accomplishments.

Employee accomplishments become more meaningful when they are shared with the team. In this way, it sets a benchmark for what is deemed 'good'. This behaviour will motivate the rest of your employees to follow suit. As a result of public praise, the company is reinforcing its expectations. Nevertheless, in the event that somebody makes a mistake, addressing it should stay between you and the employee. Addressing mistakes in private demonstrates that you are empathic and sensitive to your colleagues' feelings. 

  • Having courage

Being courageous doesn't mean being fearless. It means feeling the fear and doing whatever you need to do anyway. Talent leaders need to push past their comfort zone, ask uncomfortable questions, have tough conversations, and take risks. Defending your principles requires standing up for them. There is no popularity contest when it comes to real leadership. It's about working for the good of others and doing what's best for your team. 

  • Owning your actions

We all make mistakes. A successful leader, however, can see the error of their ways and learn from them. More importantly, they don't hesitate to own up to their mistakes. We're all human at the end of the day! Make sure you let the team know if you make a mistake and then apologise. Doing so builds trust within the team and encourages everyone to be open in admitting their own errors. Leaders who are willing to take responsibility for their mistakes help to create a culture of trust, collaboration, and growth.

  •  Being an example for others

Leading by example is the best way to encourage good performance in your team. The actions and habits of a leader will ripple throughout an organisation. When a leader is setting the standard for the team, it will motivate the rest of the team to strive for the same level of excellence. Seeing a leader's dedication to a task can also be inspiring to the team and can help them to stay focused and productive. In your business, you decide what is and isn't acceptable. Ensure your words and actions are in sync.